Persuasive Essay Examples

In order to save the country some money, the U.S. Government Accountability Office has issued on five different occasions a formal proposal to the Treasury and Federal Reserve announcing that the $1 bill should be replaced with the $1 coin. That hasn’t happened, but if it had, the country could have saved about $5.5 billion...
Maintaining credit card security is paramount to preventing identity theft, avoiding fraudulent charges, and protecting your credit score. Keeping your credit card information in secure locations will partially mitigate the potential risks of identity thieves stealing your information and using it for purchases, to obtain credit under false pretenses, and/or to sell it to others....
The Opportunities Are Limitless The crystal ball on Times Square had dropped, and the confetti cleaned up; now it’s time to get back to your daily grind. Though consumer confidence regains its highs after years of economic stagnation, it’s still wise to remain prudent. The good news is that if you had struggled to save...
What can you do to lower your business credit and debt costs today? What steps can you take to improve your odds of getting a loan and reduce the costs of carrying debt? Improving the Odds of Getting a Business Loan Relationships matter in business. Lenders are more willing to lend money to an existing...
Anyone familiar with Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies must have at least once come across the phrase, Bitcoin is a safe haven asset. It has been used by anyone from experts, influencers, to even someone who blindly believes in cryptocurrency. However, that will not be the only opinion you must have heard, like every coin which has...
Over the last five years I have been working from home part time selling online. My first try was Ebay. Ebay has been around forever and it seems like everyone knows someone who sells on Ebay. I dabbled with Ebay on several different occasions and am currently considering doing so again. As of right now...
Are you expecting a tax refund this year? Don’t treat it like a windfall. Treat it as an opportunity ti improve your financial health. Read on to learn more about how to make the most of your tax refund this year. Get the most value out of your tax refund once it arrives. With tax...
Investing Seems Complicated When it comes to investing, many people feel overwhelmed…and rightfully so. There are so many options that you can put your money toward. There are bonds and bond funds. There are individual stocks, stock mutual funds, and stock ETFs. There are Index Funds. There are money market funds. Within these categories, there...
Dullness Became Enlightenment When dusk’s grey sky lit up your pale face with traces of moonlight, dullness became enlightenment. Your thoughts have been trapped in the most hidden archives, but I discovered them. You are not as lost as you want yourself to be. Your map is not so hard to read, no matter how...
You Had Me With Romance Dinner and the right amount of wine, your planning was perfect, at least through dinner. You held my hand with a firm grip as we left the restaurant and walked to the car. Before helping me in the car, you gave my hand a tight squeeze and I thought you...
Sawmill work is hard work . . . A wiser string of words have never been said by man or beast. In early times one did not “work” in a sawmill. One “toiled” in a sawmill from daybreak to sunset–six days a week. And unless you are never had to “toil’ in a sawmill, this...
Yes! It’s Possible to Make Money With Google Ad-Sense You Can Make Money With Google Adsense Absolutely Free. You Must Be Consistent in Your Search for Making Money Online In order to make money online, you must be consistent with your activities. It is not enough creating a web page and posting it online and...
Working online has already been a practice of many individuals for years. According to, One in five Americans work from home. In the Philippines setting, stated that the Philippines is the 3rd country in the world after the United States and India in online freelancing. In that same article it was further stated that based on...
Many say working at a company built from other countries’ investment is fun, both the matter of prestige, salary, company facilities, and others. I admit that. Although you could say, my salary was not overflowing. I still often had to find a freelance job to fulfill my passion for books and traveling. I was happy...
Public Speaking and the Circle of Self-Interest Welcome to this segment of Speaking Tips: Public Speaking Getting the Audience’s Attention, and, in particular the concept of the Circle of Self Interest. Managing the getting the audience’s attention is only part of it, of course. Keeping it right throughout the the presentation is the real challenge. It is...
You observed a number of other men and women give their feedback concerning online marketing, but it is time that you just learn about it and grow an expert on your own. While this might require an added responsibility, you will definitely get back everything you dedicated to it. This article will provide a lot...
Newsletters That Do And Don’t Work Most of us can relate to the sinking feeling when receiving corporate emails. The newsletter that talks about how amazing a specific company is, but does not relate to us at all. It is a common problem in marketing. Businesses often think marketing is all about them and not...
Learning how to be sustainable at a workplace can be a challenge. Some people are great at minimizing their carbon footprint, while others are not so good at it. When you want to know how to be sustainable, you have to be aware of where your company is currently at and what it needs to...
How do I get items to sell? Whether you sell on eBay, craigslist, or at your local flea market. This is a question we have all had to ask ourselves. The fact is this question is a relatively easy one to answer. There are a number of ways and places to get items to sell....
Interruptions in remote jobs have been a big problem for many years. I had one job that used to cause quite a lot of interruptions in the remote jobs that I was involved with. That made it very hard for me to concentrate on the work that needed to be done. I will go into...
If you are running a small business or an SME then you know that finances are the biggest drain on your profits. Your budget is important for staying in business and your bottom line, but it can be just as much of a headache. The good news is that with a little knowledge you can...
Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life “Work-life balance is a term commonly used to describe the balance that a working individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life. Areas of life other than work-life can include personal interests, family and social or leisure...
Introduction Call centers tend to be minimum wage positions. However, their profit margins are also low. These jobs have high turnover, with some organizations seeing 400% turnover – facilities where most employees leave within three months. How can you improve call center performance and morale without spending a lot of money? Methods to Improve Call...
Colleges need to mandate financial education classes now. By not doing so, institutions of higher learning are doing students a huge disservice. It seems, they prefer to send their students into the world without basic tools for success. Let’s solve the student debt crisis. Let’s make financial literacy as important as any other literacy. Something...
My arm twisted to the brink of pain I did not think existed. “Please Don’t harm me, I did not mean to alarm you, I guarantee!” “whisper in my ear, that it’s me you hold dear!” I beg you don’t hurt me anymore, I don’t wanna end up bloody on the floor again” “DO WHAT...
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