Scholarship Essay Examples

Dave Ramsey’s envelope system is one way that you can learn to budget your money and have a little fun at the same time. The envelope system is also called the zero-based money management system because basically you spend until you get to zero! Let’s see how it works and then decide if this is a budgeting system you can live...
When I entered the workforce at the age of 19, I thought I would be able to retire by the time I was 40. As I approached my mid-twenties I realized that I would not be able to retire by age 40, but age 50 was possible. At the age of 30 I had adjusted...
How to Improve Your Skill in Writing Before you exercise writing fiction short stories, make sure you read and write in parallel. Start reading fiction stories, especially those that interest you. Some lines will grab your attention but while you will forget them, your subconscious mind will retain them. When you sit down to write...
Degree Inflation Everybody knows that having a college degree is important in today’s professional job world. The unemployment rate for people with college degrees is much lower than for those with only a high school diploma. You probably already knew that. What you may not know is that having a college degree has in many...
The question is directed towards me – how would ‘you’… I have different styles of dealing with different kinds of ‘difficult’ people. However, I would be taking the stance of a ‘difficult’ person with whom you need to interact day in and day out – say your spouse, colleague or boss. First of all, I...
Overview You have only 5 seconds to make a first impression on your CV. Knowing this, you hand the employer your CV. The employer’s eyes glide to your personal Statement and… He takes a long sigh and proceeds with the interview, and what do you know: You didn’t get the job. Personal Statement can make...
At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century C. E., the only thing constant about business both local and global was change. For that reason, organizational leadership in 2011 and beyond meant understanding the implications of change and how to successfully navigate a given enterprise through times of change. One prevalent source...
This page gives information on how to write a presentation with slides. It explains first how to write a presentation and then explains how to read and edit your work before you begin writing. This will make sure that your final presentation is as successful as possible. In addition, you can choose how you want...
Structured job interviews can be beneficial to employers because they can make comparisons between interview candidates much easier. Behavioral based interviewing allows you to judge the abilities of job candidates based on past performance. A competency rating system makes it easy to rate answers to accurately compare each candidate’s skills, experience, knowledge and abilities. What...
Teaching jobs for education majors are an attractive option for graduates who are not content with their current occupations. Teaching is a necessary role in our society and yet most of us have little experience of it. Even if we have a degree in education, there is very little chance of landing a job because...
College is more than a just a dream for homeschoolers. It can be a reality. Best yet, it can be affordable, thanks to several scholarships aimed at homeschoolers. According to College Scholarship.Org, several scholarship programs are focusing – and even encouraging – students who have been homeschooled to apply. One reason given is that homeschooled students...
“Any time you spend on improving your assessment will be richly repaid – your students will be better learners as a result.” – D. Prozesky How to Design a Good Assessment It is generally agreed that assessment is an improvement process in which educators make their students practice the subject, recognize their abilities and make them develop their...
How Life Experience Works to Your Advantage Are you nervous about returning to college as an adult? Fear not! Older students have the advantage over younger ones in three areas critical to higher learning. More life experience means greater capacity to see things in context, compare two ideas, and courageously face new challenges. Context It is easier...
The Amazing Abilities of the Mimic Octopus A truly intelligent, fantastic creature! Also known as the shapshifter of the sea. The scientific name for this fantastic marine creature is Thaumoctopus mimious. Only discovered recently in 1998, divers have verified the many faces of this chameleon of the sea. They are found on the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia,...
List of Topics Included (1) What is “Hydrolysis”? (1/A) Meaning of the term, “S. T. P.” (1/B) Meaning of the term, “Self-ionization of water”. (1/C) Characteristics of hydrolysis. (1/D) Hydrolysis occurring in inorganic chemistry (salt hydrolysis) (1/E) Some examples of salt hydrolysis. (1/F) Hydrolysis occurring in organic chemistry. (1/G) Some example of hydrolysis of organic...
Introduction to Albania The nation of Albania is located in Southeastern Europe. It shares borders with Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro. It also borders the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea. The form of government is a Parliamentary Democracy. Albanians elect representatives to make laws. The elected representatives make up the parliament, which makes the laws...
Our Kids Deserve Better At the risk of getting a blast from Conservative supporters in Ontario, our kids deserve better than what Ontario’s government is trying to give them. Heck, our people deserve better than what the Ford government is proposing. For the uninitiated, the Ontario government has either proposed or pushed through widespread cuts...
“Learn a new language, It will make your life more interesting.” I have tried studying and learning multiple languages in the past; but, sadly, I failed. Looking back, I realized that I didn’t have much motivation then. I just happened to see a book, movie or a dictionary showing another interesting language, and viola! I...
Greetings! One of my big qualms with writers and storytellers today is the blatant lack of understanding in romance. Actually, I see this being a full blown crisis. We are selfish creatures with terrible needs for relationships leading to domestic violence, broken homes, and tattered hearts. I think writing has one of the better chances to...
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